Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Big Update!

Hello friends and fam,

So sorry for again taking so very long between updates! I have been so very busy these past couple weeks... (and the internet, as always, is less than reliable).

Last week we spent 5 days in Oaxaca, about a 5 hour bus ride south. We stayed in Oaxaca City, which was a nice little town that caters a lot to tourism due to the surrounding pyramids and sites. Though on the map it looks quite close to the Pacific, it's about an 8 hour bus ride through the mountains to get to some saltwater. So we stayed inland. We went to Monte Alban the first full day, which is 7 pyramids built on top of a mountain. It's really breathtaking when you consider how these structures were built, even if you do believe aliens intervened... Anyway, the coolest part about all these pyramid sites is that you can climb to the top of them (which is hard on the lungs due to the altitude!) and explore. Monte Alban is a big tourist attraction but at the same time is so massive that it doesn't seem crowded at all even though there were a couple other groups as well as several families there with us.

The rest of the Oaxaca trip was full of a few more archaeological sites, small towns, attempts at getting into museums that ended up being closed, and miles and miles of walking for my feet with only a few moments, scattered throughout the 5 days, to breathe! The hotel had a pool and literally the only spare moment we had to take advantage of it was at about 8pm one night... that did not last very long because they don't heat their pools here... even though the weather in Oaxaca was in the 80s with dry, hot winds, the water was ice cold.

After getting back on Thursday, I've been getting back into the swing of things, making books and working on photo stuff mostly. This upcoming Friday we'll be taking off again, for only a weekend this time. We're going to Mexico City and I think the main stops there will be art museums and art-related attractions. We'll only be there for three days (and I'm sure they'll end up being just as jam-packed as Oaxaca was) but I'm planning on going back later and enjoying more of it.

Ah, and new drink discovered by myself when no other appetizing mixer was available in the vending machine downstairs: Orange Crush + Coconut Rum. YUM.

Hope everyone's enjoyed January and are ready for February!

Kind of scary to think about it, but I'm just about halfway through! And then only one more quarter until I am thrust into the real world... eek! :D

More after Mexico City...

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